Create a Gatsby Website and Deploy It with ZEIT Now

Create a simple Gatsby website and deploy it live with ZEIT Now.

Gatsby is a popular front-end framework that helps you create static apps and websites with React.

In this guide, we will show how you can set up your Gatsby project and deploy with Now in a few moments.

Step 1: Set Up Your Gatsby Project

If you have not already set up a Gatsby project you can do so by first installing Gatsby CLI globally from your terminal:

npm i -g gatsby-cli

Installing gatsby-cli globally with npm.

Then you can run the following command to create a Gatsby project locally:

gatsby new my-gatsby-project

Creating a Gatsby project with the Gatsby CLI.

Next, move into the directory from your terminal with cd my-gatsby-project. You can see your new project in a local development environment by using the npm develop command, set in the package.json by Gatsby CLI.

Step 2: Deploying Your Gatsby Website

With a Gatsby app set up, it is ready to deploy live with Now.

If you have not yet installed Now, you can do so by installing Now CLI.

Now allows you to deploy your project from the terminal with a single command:


Deploying you Gatsby website with Now CLI.

If you want to deploy your Gatsby project when you push to a Git repository, you can use either Now for GitHub or Now for GitLab to have your project automatically deployed on every push, and aliased on push to master.

Written By
Written by timothytimothy
on January 31st 2019