ZEIT Now provides integrations for your GitHub and GitLab projects, allowing for automatic deployments on every branch push and merge to the default branch.

In addition, the Now Git integrations provide the following benefits:

  • Deployments for every push in branches and pull requests to preview changes live
  • Aliases for the most recent changes from the master branch
  • Instant rollbacks when reverting changes that have been aliased

The easiest way to use a Git integration is to think of your master branch as production. Every time a pull request is made to the master branch, Now will create a unique deployment, allowing you to view the changes in a staging environment before merging.


To get started with a Git integration, visit the settings page in your ZEIT dashboard and click to connect the relevant integration.

You will be asked to authorize the integration and advised as to what permissions it requires before being redirected to your account dashboard.

Adding Existing Projects

Once installed, the integration will be available to all of your repositories and projects immediately, requiring no configuration.

To select a repository or project to use with the integration, select the New Project dropdown from the dashboard and choose either Import From GitHub / Import From GitLab to import the project.


For more information on what to do next, we recommend the following articles: