Official Builders

Builders are modules that transform your source code into compiled outputs, being either static files and/or Serverless Functions, which are served by our CDN at the edge.

Note: In most cases, advanced Builders usage with configuration is not necessary. See the ZEIT Now Introduction documentation or the Serverless Functions documentation for more information.

Listed below are all official Builders from ZEIT.

The Static Builder takes any file as an entrypoint and moves it to the deployment as a static file.
The Static Builds Builder takes a package.json or file as an entrypoint and executes a command within them to produce static files in a public directory to serve.
The Node.js Builder takes an entrypoint of a Node.js function, builds its dependencies (if any) and bundles them into a Serverless Function.
The Next.js Builder takes a Next.js application, defined by a next.config.js entrypoint and pages directory, and converts those pages into a series of Serverless Functions.
The Go Builder takes in a Go program that defines a singular HTTP handler and outputs it as a Serverless Function.
The Python Builder takes in a Python program that defines a singular HTTP handler and outputs it as a Serverless Function.
The Ruby Builder takes in a Ruby program that defines a singular HTTP handler and outputs it as a Serverless Function.


Status: Stable

The Static Builder is used to serve files statically in a project by default when there is no static build defined, or if a public directory exists, that directory is served instead.

Note: Files inside an /api directory are not served statically.

To configure the behavior of this Builder to affect specific files explicitly, see the Advanced Builders Usage section.

Static Builds

Status: Stable

By default, the Static Builds Builder is used when Now detects a build script inside a package.json file at the root of a project. This script is executed when deploying, and if the output is built to a public directory, that directory is served.

For example, to build a Gatsby project, you would use the following scripts object in a package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "gatsby build"

An example package.json file with a build script to build Gatsby.

To configure the behavior of this Builder to affect specific files explicitly, see the Advanced Static Builds Configuration section.

Static Build Project Node.js Version

The default Node.js version used is 8.10.x but can be changed to 10.x by defining engines in package.json.

Static Build npm Dependencies

For dependencies listed in the package.json file, the following behavior is used:

  • If a package-lock.json file is present in the project, npm install is used.
  • Otherwise, yarn is used, by default.


Status: Stable

The Node.js Builder, by default, builds and serves Serverless Functions within the /api directory of a project, providing the files have a file extension of either .js or .ts.

A Node.js Serverless Function must export a default function handler, for example:

module.exports = (req, res) => {
  const { name = 'World' } = req.query
  res.send(`Hello ${name}!`)

An example serverless Node.js function using the Request and Response objects.

Note: The Node.js Builder also supports asynchronous functions.

If you need more advanced behavior, such as a custom build step or private npm modules, see the Advanced Node.js Usage section.

Node.js Version

The default Node.js version used is 8.10.x but can be changed to 10.x by defining engines in package.json.

Node.js Dependencies

For dependencies listed in a package.json file at the root of a project, the following behavior is used:

  • If a package-lock.json file is present in the project, npm install is used.
  • Otherwise, yarn is used, by default.

Using TypeScript with the Node.js Builder

The Node.js Builder supports files ending with .ts inside of the /api directory as TypeScript files to compile and serve when deploying.

An example TypeScript file that exports a default Node.js function and takes in the standard Node.js Request and Response objects is as follows:

import { NowRequest, NowResponse } from '@now/node'

export default function(req: NowRequest, res: NowResponse) {
  const { name = 'World' } = req.query
  res.send(`Hello ${name}!`)

An example serverless Node.js function written in TypeScript, using types from the @now/node module for the helper methods.

The NowRequest and NowResponse imports in the above example are types that we provide for the Request and Response objects, including the helper methods with ZEIT Now. These types can be installed from npm with the following command:

npm install @now/node --save-dev

Installing @now/node for types when using Node.js on ZEIT Now.

You can also use a tsconfig.json file at the root of your project to configure the TypeScript compiler. Most options are supported aside from "Path Mappings" and "Project References".

Node.js Request and Response Objects

Each request to a Node.js Serverless Function gives access to Request and Response objects. These objects are the standard HTTP Request and Response objects from Node.js.

Node.js Helpers

ZEIT Now additionally provides helper methods inside of the Request and Response objects passed to Node.js Serverless Functions. These methods are:

An object containing the request's query string, or {} if the request does not have a query string.
An object containing the cookies sent by the request, or {} if the request contains no cookies.
An object containing the body sent by the request, or null if no body is sent.
A function to set the status code sent with the response where code must be a valid HTTP status code. Returns res for chaining.
A function to set the content of the response where body can be a string, an object or a Buffer.
A function to send a JSON response where obj is the JSON object to send.

The following Node.js Serverless Function example showcases the use of req.query, req.cookies and req.body helpers:

module.exports = (req, res) => {
  let who = 'anonymous'

  if (req.body && req.body.who) {
    who = req.body.who
  } else if (req.query.who) {
    who = req.query.who
  } else if (req.cookies.who) {
    who = req.cookies.who

  res.status(200).send(`Hello ${who}!`)

Example Node.js Serverless Function using the req.query, req.cookies, and req.body helpers. It returns greetings for the user specified using req.send().

Note: If needed, you can opt-out of Now providing helpers using advanced configuration.


We populate the req.body property with a parsed version of the content sent with the request when possible.

We follow a set of rules on the Content-type header sent by the request to do so:

Content-Type header
Value of req.body
No header
An object representing the parsed JSON sent by the request.
An object representing the parsed data sent by with the request.
A string containing the text sent by the request.
A Buffer containing the data sent by the request.

With the req.body helper, you can build applications without extra dependencies or having to parse the content of the request manually.


Status: Stable

The Next.js Builder is used to deploy production-ready Next.js applications when a pages directory exists (along with the next dependency existing in a package.json file).

The Next.js Builder converts pages into a series of individual Serverless Functions or static files, depending on their implementation, and caches node_modules and compiler artifacts by default for faster deployment.

To build your Next.js projects with each deployment, provide the following build script in your package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "next build"

An example package.json file with a build script to build Next.js when deploying.

Note: This Builder separates your pages into individual Serverless Functions, so you cannot use a custom server. You can still achieve most of the logic that you have in a custom server by using getInitialProps(). For more on advanced routing, see the Custom Routes Guide for Next.js on ZEIT Now.

For more advanced usage of Next.js on ZEIT Now, such as environment variables or private npm modules, see the Advanced Next.js Usage section.

Next.js Project Node.js Version

The default Node.js version used is 8.10.x but can be changed to 10.x by defining engines in package.json.

Next.js Project Dependencies

For dependencies listed in a package.json file at the root of a project, the following behavior is used:

  • If a package-lock.json file is present in the project, npm install is used.
  • Otherwise, yarn is used, by default.


Status: Alpha

The Go Builder is used by Now to compile Go Serverless Functions that expose a single HTTP handler, from a .go file within an /api directory at your project's root.

For example, define an index.go file inside an /api directory as follows:

package handler

import (

func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  fmt.Fprintf(w, "<h1>Hello from Go on Now!</h1>")

An example index.go file inside an /api directory.

For advanced usage, such as using private packages with your Go projects, see the Advanced Go Usage section.

Note: The exported function needs to include the HandlerFunc signature type, but can use any valid Go exported function declaration as the function name.

Go Version

Go version 1.x is used for Go projects deployed with ZEIT Now.

Go Dependencies

The Go Builder will automatically detect a go.mod file to install dependencies at the root of a project.


Status: Beta

The Python Builder is used by Now to compile Python Serverless Functions, that defines a singlular HTTP handler variable, inheritting from the BaseHTTPRequestHandler class, from a .py file within an /api directory at your project's root.

For example, define an file inside a /api directory as follows:

from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from cowpy import cow

class handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

    def do_GET(self):
        message = cow.Cowacter().milk('Hello from Python from a ZEIT Now Serverless Function!')

An example file inside an /api directory.

Inside requirements.txt define:


An example requirements.txt file that defines cowpy as a dependency.

For advanced usage, such as using WSGI or ASGI for your Python projects, see the Advanced Python Usage section.

Python Version

Python projects deployed with ZEIT Now use Python version 3.6.

Python Dependencies

You can install dependencies for your Python projects by defining them in a requirements.txt or a Pipfile.lock file.


Status: Alpha

The Ruby Builder is used by Now to compile Ruby Serverless Functions that define a singlular HTTP handler from .rb files within an /api directory at your project's root.

Ruby files must have one of the following variables defined:

  • Handler proc that matches the do |req, res| signature.
  • Handler class that inherits from the WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet class.

For example, define a index.rb file inside a /api directory as follows:

require 'cowsay'

Handler = do |req, res|
    res.status = 200
    res['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
    res.body = Cowsay.say('hello world', 'cow')

An example index.rb file inside an /api directory.

Inside a Gemfile define:

source ""

gem "cowsay", "~> 0.3.0"

An example Gemfile file that defines cowpy as a dependency.

For advanced usage, such as using a Rack Interface for your Ruby projects, see the Advanced Ruby Usage section.

Ruby Version

Ruby 2.5.5 is used.

Ruby Dependencies

This Builder supports installing dependencies defined in the Gemfile. Alternatively, dependencies can be vendored with the bundler install --deployment command (useful for gems that require native extensions). In this case, dependencies are not built on deployment.

Advanced Usage

Note: Using Builders in advanced configuration will disable the zero configuration functionality of ZEIT Now.

If your project has source files that need to be built requiring a different structure than Now provides by default, you can use Builders with advanced configuration to achieve that structure.

Builders can be used with Now by creating a now.json file in a project and then using a builds property within that configuration:

  "builds": [
    { "src": "*.html", "use": "@now/static" },
    { "src": "date.js", "use": "@now/node" }

An example now.json file using build steps.

The builds property is an array of objects where each object is a build step, including a src and a use property, at least.

The Builder will receive a list of files based on the src property's glob value.

Note: It is important to remember that the src property is a glob. In the above example, this will only use the Static Builder for the HTML files in the root directory. If you need it to be used throughout subdirectories, you need the appropriate glob syntax: **/*.html.

The use property of a build step can contain the name of a Builder module published to npm. For example, the following list contains the Official Builders and their module names to use.

Builder Module
Static Build

Since Builders are published to npm, the use statement in your now.json file uses a similar syntax to npm install, meaning that versioning can be used by tagging the builders, like for example:

  "builds": [{ "src": "api/**/*.js", "use": "@now/node@0.12.3" }]

A now.json file that lists a build step with a Builder using a pinned version.

Community Builders

The following is a list of community maintained Builders.

Note: If you need to create a custom Builder, see the Developing Your Own Builder section.

Advanced Static Builds Usage

Note: The following configuration step will disable the zero configuration nature of ZEIT Now, and you will have to define build steps for all source files that you intend to serve from your deployments.

You can configure your own build step using the Static Builds Builder by providing configuration like the following, inside of a now.json file:

  "builds": [{ "src": "package.json", "use": "@now/static-build" }]

An example now.json file that lists a build step using the Static Builds Builder.

The entry point for src must be a package.json file with a build script that, when executed, compiles the built application into a public directory.

Configuring the Build Output Directory with Static Builds Builder

If you want to configure a directory other than public for your build output, you can pass an optional distDir option in the builder's config:

  "version": 2,
  "builds": [
      "src": "package.json",
      "use": "@now/static-build",
      "config": { "distDir": "www" }

An example now.json file that uses the Static Builds Builder with a configured output directory.

Shell File Entry Point for Static Builds

Using a file with a .sh file extension as an entry point for the @now/static-build Builder allows you to define build instructions in a shell file.

For example, creating a shell file, with the name, with the following contents, will install and build a Hugo project:

curl -L -O
tar -xzf hugo_0.55.6_Linux-64bit.tar.gz


An example shell file that installs and builds a Hugo project.

For depencency installation with shell file entry points, yum is available.

Private npm Modules for Static Builds

To install private npm modules, define NPM_TOKEN as a build environment variable in a now.json file.

Alternatively, define NPM_RC as a build environment variable with the contents of ~/.npmrc.

Advanced Node.js Usage

Note: The following configuration step will disable the zero configuration nature of ZEIT Now, and you will have to define build steps for all source files that you intend to serve from your deployments.

You can configure your own build step using the Node.js Builder, to compile Node.js source files into Serverless Functions, by providing configuration like the following, inside of a now.json file:

  "builds": [{ "src": "index.js", "use": "@now/node" }]

An example now.json file that lists a build step using the Node.js Builder.

The entry point for src must be a glob matching .js or .ts files that export a default function. For more information on using this Builder, see the Node.js Builder section.

Disabling Helpers for Node.js

Within a now.json configuration file at your project's root, use the following build step with config to disable helpers.

  "builds": [
      "src": "my-file.js",
      "use": "@now/node",
      "config": { "helpers": "false" }

An example now.json file that has a build step using the Node.js Builder with configuration.

Private npm Modules for Node.js

To install private npm modules, define NPM_TOKEN as a build environment variable in now.json.

Alternatively, define NPM_RC as a build environment variable with the contents of ~/.npmrc.

Custom Build Step for Node.js

You can run build tasks by creating a now-build script within a package.json file at the entry point's level or higher. For example:

  "scripts": {
    "now-build": "node ./build.js"

An example package.json file with a now-build script to execute in the build step.

Along with build script named build.js:

const fs = require('fs')
fs.writeFile('built-time.js', (module.exports = '${new Date()}'), err => {
  if (err) throw err
  console.log('Build time file created successfully!')

An example Node.js file, executed by the above package.json build script.

And a .js file for the built Serverless Functions, index.js inside the /api directory:

const BuiltTime = require('./built-time')
module.exports = (req, res) => {
  res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
    This Serverless Function was built at ${new Date(BuiltTime)}.
    The current time is ${new Date()}

An example Node.js Serverless Function, using information from the created file from the build script.

Legacy Serverful Behavior

A Node.js Builder entrypoint can contain one of the following to retain legacy serverful behavior:

  • Default export server, such as module.exports = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.end('hello') }).
  • Server listens on a port, such as http.createServer((req, res) => { res.end('hello') }).listen(3000).

AWS Lambda API

The Node.js Builder provides a config.awsLambdaHandler to opt into the AWS Lambda API. This is useful if you have existing functions you wish to deploy to ZEIT Now but do not want to change the API.

exports.handler = async function() {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {},
    body: 'Hello world'

A file index.js that exports a handler function.

You can deploy this function with the following now.json configuration file:

  "version": 2,
  "builds": [
      "src": "index.js",
      "use": "@now/node",
      "config": { "awsLambdaHandler": "index.handler" }

The awsLambdaHandler configuration must match the file name followed by the exported function name.

The awsLambdaHandler uses the same syntax as AWS Handler which is the file name and the exported function name.

Advanced Next.js Usage

Note: The following configuration step will disable the zero configuration nature of ZEIT Now, and you will have to define build steps for all source files that you intend to serve from your deployments.

You can configure your own build step using the Next.js Builder, to compile Next.js source files into Serverless Functions, by providing configuration like the following, inside of a now.json file:

  "builds": [{ "src": "package.json", "use": "@now/next" }]

An example now.json file that lists a build step using the Next.js Builder.

The entry point of this Builder is a package.json file with Next.js 9 or newer defined in dependencies. For more information on using this Builder, see the Next.js Builder section.

For more information on this, see the Next.js documentation.

Private npm Modules for Next.js

To install private npm modules, define NPM_TOKEN as a build environment variable in now.json.

Alternatively, define NPM_RC as a build environment variable with the contents of ~/.npmrc.

Environment Variables with Next.js

To support environment variables, Next.js inlines the provided values into the JavaScript bundle at build.

You can add the env key to the next.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  env: {
    customKey: process.env.customKey,
    mySecret: process.env.mySecret

An example next.config.js file.

Then, expose the build env in your now.json:

  "build": {
    "env": {
      "customKey": "value",
      "mySecret": "@my-secret-name"

An example now.json file specifying a build environment variable.

This will allow you to use process.env.customKey and process.env.mySecret in your code.

Advanced Go Usage

Note: The following configuration step will disable the zero configuration nature of ZEIT Now, and you will have to define build steps for all source files that you intend to serve from your deployments.

You can configure your own build step using the Go Builder, to compile Go source files into Serverless Functions, by providing configuration like the following, inside of a now.json file:

  "builds": [{ "src": "index.go", "use": "@now/go" }]

An example now.json file that lists a build step using the Go Builder.

The entry point of this Builder is a global matching .go files that export a function that implements the http.HandlerFunc signature. For more information on using this Builder, see the Go Builder section.

Private Packages for Go

To install private packages with go get, define GIT_CREDENTIALS as a build environment variable in now.json.

All major Git providers are supported including GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, as well as a self-hosted Git server.

With GitHub, you will need to create a personal token with permission to access your private repository.

  "build": {
    "env": {

An example now.json file containing a build environment variable with the value of GitHub credentials.

Advanced Python Usage

Note: The following configuration step will disable the zero configuration nature of ZEIT Now, and you will have to define build steps for all source files that you intend to serve from your deployments.

You can configure your own build step using the Python Builder, to compile Python source files into Serverless Functions, by providing configuration like the following, inside of a now.json file:

  "builds": [{ "src": "", "use": "@now/python" }]

An example now.json file that lists a build step using the Python Builder.

The entry point of this Builder is a glob matching .py source files with one of the following variables defined:

  • handler that inherits from the BaseHTTPRequestHandler class.
  • app that exposes a WSGI or ASGI Application.

Web Server Gateway Interface

The Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) is a calling convention for web servers to forward requests to web applications written in Python. You can use WSGI with frameworks such as Flask or Django.

Instead of defining a handler, define an app variable in your Python file, when using now.json config. For example, define a file inside your project as follows:

from flask import Flask, Response
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
def catch_all(path):
    return Response("<h1>Flask on Now</h1><p>You visited: /%s</p>" % (path), mimetype="text/html")

An example file, using Flask for a WSGI application.

Inside requirements.txt define:


An example requirements.txt file, listing flask as a dependency.

Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface

The Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI) is a calling convention for web servers to forward requests to asynchronous web applications written in Python. You can use ASGI with frameworks such as Sanic.

Instead of defining a handler, define an app variable in your Python file.

For example, define a file inside a folder as follows:

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import json
app = Sanic()

async def index(request, path=""):
    return json({'hello': path})

An example file, using Sanic for a ASGI application.

Inside requirements.txt define:


An example requirements.txt file, listing sanic as a dependency.

Advanced Ruby Usage

Note: The following configuration step will disable the zero configuration nature of ZEIT Now, and you will have to define build steps for all source files that you intend to serve from your deployments.

You can configure your own build step using the Ruby Builder, to compile Ruby source files into Serverless Functions, by providing configuration like the following, inside of a now.json file:

  "builds": [{ "src": "index.rb", "use": "@now/ruby" }]

An example now.json file that lists a build step using the Ruby Builder.

The entry point of this Builder is a glob matching .rb or .ru (for Rack) source files with one of the following variables defined:

  • Handler proc that matches the do |req, res| signature.
  • Handler class that inherits from the WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet class.

For more information on using this Builder, see the Ruby Builder section.

Alternatively, a .ru Rack config file will serve the Ruby application it contains.

Rack Interface

Many Ruby frameworks interface with Rack for forwarding HTTP requests to web applications written in Ruby. You can use Rack with frameworks such as Sinatra or Rails.

Instead of defining a handler, write the application as usual, like this Sinatra application:

require 'sinatra'

get '/*' do
    'Hello world'

An example Sinatra application.

Inside Gemfile define:

source ""

gem "sinatra", "~> 2.0"
gem "rack", "~> 2.0"

An example Gemfile file.

Add a Rack config file at to start the application:

require './app'

run Sinatra::Application

An example file.

Developing Your Own Builder

Extending the feature-set of a ZEIT Now deployment is as simple as creating a Builder that takes a list of files and outputs either static files or dynamic Serverless Functions.

A full API reference is available to help with creating Builders.

Technical Details

Caching Data

A builder can retain an archive of up to 100mb of the filesystem at build time. The cache key is generated as a combination of:

  • Project name.
  • Team id or user id.
  • Entrypoint path (e.g., api/users/index.go).
  • Builder identifier including version (e.g.: @now/go@0.0.1).

The cache will be invalidated if any of those items changes. The user can bypass the cache by running now -f.


  • Builders can run for a maximum of 5 minutes before the execution times out.
  • The maximum cache archive size of a Builder is 100mb.
  • The cache TTL is 7 days.

Including Additional Files

Most Builders use static analysis to determine which source files should be included in the Serverless Function output based on the build src input. Any unused code or assets is ignored to ensure your Serverless Function is as small as possible.

For example, the Node Builder looks at calls to require() or fs.readFile() in order to determine which files to include automatically.

// index.js
const { readFileSync } = require('fs');
const { join } = require('path');
const file = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'config', 'ci.yml'), 'utf8');

This /index.js file reads the contents of /config/ci.yml.
The use of __dirname is necessary to read a file relative to the current file.

In some cases, you may wish to include templates or views that are not able to be statically analyzed. Builders provide a configuration for includeFiles that accepts an array of globs that will always be included in the Serverless Functions output.

  "builds": [
      "src": "index.js",
      "use": "@now/node",
      "config": {
        "includeFiles": [

Using the @now/node Builder and configuring the includeFiles within a now.json configuration file.